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things done can not be undone
木已成舟/覆水难收  detail>>
things done can’t be undone
覆水难收  detail>>
things done cannot be undone
木已成舟/覆水难收 事已定局  detail>>
undone done
随性自然  detail>>
if this can be done
倘能如此  detail>>
that can be done
那办得到  detail>>
can such things be
可能有这样的事吗  detail>>
a thousand things remain to be done
百端待举  detail>>
a thousand things wait to be done
百废待兴  detail>>
get things done
做完事情  detail>>
getting things done
gtd 搞定事情 尽管去做:无压工作的艺术  detail>>
in all the things ive done
学院所做的一切事情  detail>>
other things done by hands
通过手做的其他事  detail>>
the gift of getting things done
第三十三件礼物:有始有终  detail>>
much can be done
在文章的结尾处 作者还会提出解决问题的方法  detail>>
perhaps it can be done
脱使可行  detail>>
little things that you has done
每一件你所作的小事,  detail>>
what one did things done
做过的事  detail>>